
Organizations that support democracy in the area are invited to submit applications to the Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa.

OSIEA actively promotes candid, educated discussion on important topics in Eastern Africa. The OSIEA is able to assist and amplify the voices of pro-democracy organizations and individuals in the area and to increase their capacity to hold their governments accountable through a combination of grant making, advocacy, and convening power. Included in this are initiatives to stand up for and defend pro-democracy and human rights activists who are being persecuted for their activism.

In Eastern Africa, OSIEA fills a special donor organization void. We have a tremendous amount of flexibility in terms of their reach and impact because they engage both locally and internationally as donors and implementors. They participate in consultative and participatory procedures. Their flexibility in regard to their funding criteria.

eligibility requirements

Projects in the following programming areas are supported by OSIEA:

  1. Democratic governance and rule of law
  2. Economic governance
  3. Health and rights
  4. Equality and non-discrimination

To learn more about what we fund under each of the focus areas, prospective grant recipients should carefully explore our program priorities on our website.

Learn more and apply



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