
Erasmus+ Programme (ERASMUS) Call for proposals

Deadline for submission: 22 March 2022 – 17:00:00 CET (Brussels)

This is a call for proposals for EU action grants in the field of Higher Education under
the Erasmus+ Programme.
The regulatory framework for this EU Funding Programme is set out in:
− Regulation 2018/1046 (EU Financial Regulation)
− The basic act (Erasmus+ Regulation 2021/8171).
The call is launched in accordance with the Erasmus+ 2022 Work Programme2 and
will be managed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency
(EACEA) (‘Agency’).
Please note that this call is subject to the final adoption of the budget by the EU
budgetary authority. In case there are substantial changes, we may have to modify
the call (or even cancel it).
The call covers the following topics:
– ERASMUS-EDU-2022-EUR-UNIV-1 — European Universities –
Intensification of prior deep institutional transnational cooperation
– ERASMUS-EDU-2022-EUR-UNIV-2 — European Universities –
Development of new deep institutional transnational cooperation
Each project application under the call must address only one of these two topics.
Applicants wishing to apply for more than one topic, must submit a separate proposal
under each topic.
We invite you to read the call documentation carefully, and in particular this Call
Document, the Model Grant Agreement, the EU Funding & Tenders Portal Online
Manual and the EU Grants AGA — Annotated Grant Agreement.
These documents provide clarifications and answers to questions you may have when
preparing your application:

Learn more and apply

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