
Communications Manager

Country: Burundi

Deadline: March 14, 2022

Employee Contract Type:Local – Fixed Term Employee (Fixed Term)

Job Description:

% of time Activity End Results
25 a) Develop and implement a national communications business plan that aligns with the Ignite communications framework and contributes to the WVB strategy;
b) Internal and external communication is strengthened and KPIs developed and delivered on.
c) Execute and ensure strong monitoring and evaluation of the plan, including ensuring deliverables that are continuously improved.
• Improved visibility of WVIB, for impact, influence and income.

• Global brand messaging and identity is socialized and understood internally.

• The communications team is a trusted partner to other functions in WVIB, holding leadership’s trust and confidence.
10 Produce internal/external communications to ensure that key communication messages and marketing products of WVB are skillfully developed New marketing products are developed and refined to continuously engage and gain support from private individuals and corporates, contributing to growth of local funding streams
10 Plan and manage communications in response to both slow- and rapid-onset emergency disaster/relief situations – ensuring that the WV Partnership is provided with quality stories, photos and media interviews from the field. High-quality, child-focused content/multi-media packages to meet World Vision’s priority audience needs, including partnering on advocacy, external engagement, grant acquisition and other resource development activities are delivered and shared
5 Ensures strategic communications guidance to national director and senior leadership team on business needs in order to build reputation and trust.

Provide advice, guidance and support to the National Director as a communications and organizational leader.

Ensure senior and cross-functional teams have broad understanding of how communications integrates with and strengthens organizational strategy, programming, operations, resource acquisition, and support functions.
Country/Program Director
positioned for important media opportunities and interviews that promote and protect the public image and ministry of WV Burundi while raising public awareness on key issues of poverty and justice.

Learn more and apply

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