
Rest and Refuge Fellowship program for journalists from countries with restricted press freedom is going into the next round!

Deadline is Dec. 31 2021 For 2022,  two journalists from countries with restricted press freedom are invited to Berlin. For a limited period of six months we will grant them time off to recover from difficult working conditions and to further their professional and personal development. After the six-month fellowship, they return to their home countries strengthened to continue with their...

Finance Assistant, Fixed Term-G5, based in Addis Ababa (1)

Job Title: Finance Assistant Deadline: 06 January 2022 This job is based in Addis Ababa WFP Country Office, and report to the Head of Unit, Finance Officer, or the designate. At this level job holders are expected to take responsibility for completion of a range of finance/budget related processes and activities requiring some interpretation of standard guidelines/practices. Job holders are able...


Prix Front Line Defenders 2022 – Formulaire sécurisé de nomination en ligne

Front Line Defenders accepte actuellement les nominations pour le Prix Front Line Defenders 2022 pour les défenseur-ses des droits humains en danger. Le Prix annuel de Front Line Defenders a été créé en 2005 pour récompenser le travail d'un-e DDH, qui contribue courageusement et de manière remarquable à la promotion et à la protection des droits humains...

National Project Coordinator (Agribusiness & Youth) in Burundi

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Bujumbura, Bujumbura Mairie, Burundi Sur site The National Project Coordinator will work under the overall supervision of the FAO-SFE Subregional Coordinator, the FAO Representative and work in close coordination and technical guidance of the Agribusiness Officer/project's Lead Technical Officer (LTO). The National Project Coordinator will also work closely...

Erasmus+ Programme (ERASMUS) Call for proposals

Deadline for submission: 22 March 2022 – 17:00:00 CET (Brussels) This is a call for proposals for EU action grants in the field of Higher Education underthe Erasmus+ Programme.The regulatory framework for this EU Funding Programme is set out in:− Regulation 2018/1046 (EU Financial Regulation)− The basic act (Erasmus+ Regulation 2021/8171).The call is launched in accordance...


Military Gender Advisor Online Training

The United Nations Department of Peace Operations (DOP), the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) and France reiterate their commitment to equality gender and women's empowerment, especially in the context of peacekeeping operations where the protection of women and girls and their participation in peace processes...


Applications for the First 2022 Edition of the E-Learning Programme Are Open

Deadline for registration: 24 January 2022.Enrollment closes: 7 February 2022.Courses starts: 21 February 2022. This programme is for members of organisations who may experience risk because their work involves human rights, social development and humanitarian aid. Proof of experience working in these fields is required for registration. This programme will prioritise the enrolment of people commissioned by...

The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program is now accepting applications for the 2022 DHS Fellows Program.

2022 DHS Fellows Program for University Faculty from:Angola, Benin, Burundi, Gambia, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Maldives, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, Guatemala, Haiti, Armenia, and Tajikistan   The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program is now accepting applications for the 2022 DHS Fellows Program. The DHS Fellows Program, funded by the United States Agency for...